
Showing posts from November, 2018

Hello, it’s me

I’m a mother, a Christian, a Ravenclaw, and a veteran.  You can’t scare me.      I’m also a member of my high school’s 30th reunion planning committee.  That fact, coupled with that I live with both a teenager and an octogenarian, have given me cause for reflection.  My friend, also from this class (Go, Rams), knowing that I have always wanted to write, but never have, suggested that I blog.  I’ve been thinking about it ever since.  Tonight, I rewatched the wonderful “Julie and Julia,” and that helped give me a good, swift kick.  Unlike Julie, I have no exciting, year-long project for you to anxiously follow, just some thoughts about living here in this confusing world that is changing so rapidly.            It’s 8:21.  Mom is asleep and The Kid is out.  I’m sitting in the dark eating popcorn for dinner.  Let’s hear it for Friday night in your forties.  The Kid is out playing D&D, which is cool.  Well, not cool, but you know.  It’s the Christian version, so no demons.